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Francisco Alvarez Francisco Alvarez

New York City Surprise Marriage Proposal

New York City surprise marriage proposal at Nubeluz at the Nomad Ritz-Carlton for an Indian couple shot by a destination wedding photographer in Puerto Rico

Surprise marriage proposal in New York City shot by a destination wedding photographer in Puerto Rico

Alysha & Justin

     The 2023 wedding season for me ended with my second Indian wedding in Puerto Rico. It was quite arguably the most rewarding event I have ever photographed. It spanned two days, had tons of moving parts and was perhaps the most gratifying wedding of which I’ve ever been part as a photographer in Puerto Rico. The groom, Sumanth, was one the kindest clients I’ve ever had; he and Nicole, his now wife, treated my team and I with the utmost care and were such a pleasure with whom to work. During the reception, he pulls me to the side and, using his peripheral vision somehow points to one of his groomsmen, Justin, and whispers that he is looking to propose to his then girlfriend, Alysha, in New York City. The reason he approached me is because my then girlfriend was living in Manhattan and Sumanth knew I would be in New York quite often; he saw it as an opportunity to collaborate even further with his friend.

     As per Sumanth’s request, I reached out privately (so as to not blow his cover) to Justin while in the city and suggested we meet for coffee to discuss the possibility of documenting his surprise proposal. We agreed to meet at a local coffee shop and, when introducing himself for the first time, he casually confessed that he told Alysha he’d be meeting with a potential client so that she wouldn’t suspect anything about odd behaving; sometimes a white lie is fair in love and war. After exchanging plesantries, Justin tells me that he’s very interested in proposing at Jose Andrés’s rooftop bar/restaurant called Nubeluz in midtown Manhattan. I immediately thought it was a great idea and was enamored at the idea of having a view that amazing as a backdrop to such an amazing moment for him. 

Portrait of a couple during a surprise marriage proposal in New York City taken by a destination wedding photographer in Puerto Rico

She said YES!

     After a few days of marinating the idea, it’s ultimately what Justin wanted so we went with it as Plan A. He, of course, was the one responsible for making the arrangements and, once he did, he kindly asked if I could come meet him the day before to scope out the venue. I typically enjoy visiting a venue that I haven’t shot at before because I thoroughly enjoy scouting for the best lighting and scenes possible so I hopped on my electric scooter and met him as requested. Upon arrival, I was floored: the views were breathtaking and, as you made your way out onto the balcony, you had the Chrysler building right in your face. I think it was the perfect choice for Justin and the hotel employees at the Nomad Ritz-Carlton seemed to agree.

     The most important reason to visit Nubeluz was to determine where exactly I was going to position myself in order to take pictures of Alysha as she waltzed in while, at the same time, figuring out how I was going to take that ever-so-important shot of Justin on one knee. After a meticulous search of ever nook and cranny, I figured out where that needed to be and we were on our way. I can only imagine it was going to be a memorable experience for Alysha and Justin but this wouldn’t go unnoticed by me seeing as how it would be my first event outside of Puerto Rico which is where most of my clientele hires me as a professional photographer. I was up for the challenge and, although it wasn’t going to be my first surprise marriage proposal, it was definitely going to feel different.

Black and white portrait of a couple drinking champagne taken by a professional photographer in Puerto Rico


My goal for this session was to make it seem as authentic and genuine as possible; I was meeting Alysha for the first time (I didn’t quite interact with her during Sumanth’s wedding at the Royal Sonesta in San Juan) so I definitely had to ‘feel’ her out but I was told she loves pictures so that’s something that as a wedding photographer in Puerto Rico I love to hear. I remember telling them that I wanted to be the proverbial ‘fly on the wall’ meaning that I wanted to interpose as little as possible so that I could have them interact with each as organically as possible. This is one of my secrets to getting great candid photography: give them directions, perhaps a few prompts from time to time but, for the most part: let them be.

Table for two.

Nubeluz is riddled with lovely scenes to take advantage of from lavish seating booths to wonderful couches overlooking that Manhattan skyline. The floor to ceiling windows allow for an extraordinary amount of natural light to make its way into the bar/restaurant and I made sure to use it to my advantage at all times. It made life easy in the sense that I could could have a great balance of shots of Alysha and Justin both sitting down and either leaning on the bar or standing up for an environmental portrait. The venue really brought out the atmosphere of the occasion and I think it paired well with the overall aesthetic that Justin had envisioned even before picking my brain as a professional photographer.

Portrait of a couple recently engaged at Nubeluz by Jose Andres in New York City taken by a professional photographer in Manhattan

     There’s something really special to me in shooting a surprise marriage proposal. I can only imagine it’s a nerve-racking event and it’s safe to say Justin was definitely feeling all sorts of emotions; between weddings in Puerto Rico I thoroughly enjoy photographing these the most due to the fact that it serves as a prequel of what’s to come. I get to witness how it all started, even more so when they book me to be their photographer as well. By having that initial step documented, it allows me to enhance their love story even more because I have that preface; it’s like reading part two of a trilogy without having browsed through the first few chapters. It doesn’t always happen, of course, but when it does it makes my story-telling that much more interesting.

Wedding ring shot taken by a destination wedding photographer in Puerto Rico

Just us…

     One of the best things you can do in these scenarios is to tell their story with attention to detail. During a surprise marriage proposal, the focal points are explicit: the epic moment when Justin kneels down asking for Alysha’s hand in marriage as well is the obligatory shots of the epic engagement ring with which he was going to do it. I wanted to highlight it as best as I could and I loved how this shot came out with both of their glasses in the frame as well as their hand embrace reflected on the table’s glass top. Professional photographers in Puerto Rico often forget to follow the establishing shots with medium and tight images that aid in the understanding of the activity that is taking place.

Portrait of a couple during a surprise marriage proposal taken by a wedding photographer in Puerto Rico


     You can tell a session is going really well when you take naturally occurring shots like this one above of Alysha just soaking in the moments. Admittedly, it’s exactly what I was aiming for: two lovebirds just having the most meaninful display of their love to this day and having private conversations of what transpired to make it happen as well as thoughts of what’s about to happen moving forward. The Nubeluz bar was a great spot for photography; the staff setting up was nice enough to move out of the frame while they were setting up for opening and the mirrors in the back were a pretty good prop for getting creative as a Puerto Rico photographer. It was obviously my first time shooting here and, although I showed up just hours earlier, I was still challenging myself with anything I could find.

Mirror portrait of a young woman at Nubeluz by Jose Andres at the Ritz-Carlton Nomad in New York City shot by a wedding photographer in Puerto Rico

He sees her in him…

All in all, we had an amazing time for about the next hour or so getting as creative as possible with the best spots at the venue. It was a gratifying experience to be able to travel to New York City and capture this very special moment for Alysha and Justin. It was honestly as fun for me as it was for them! During the course of the next two days we would also work together to break the news to their parents in the lobby the following morning and in the evening the couple would rent another space so that their closest friends can also join in on their happiness. This trip was an all-encompassing experience for me as a Puerto Rico wedding photographer and one I can wish to replicate.

Silhouette of a couple in New York City taken by a Puerto Rico wedding photographer


Couple kissing at Nubeluz in New York City shot by a wedding photographer in Puerto Rico


Intimate portrait of a recently engaged Indian couple at Nubeluz by Jose Andres shot by a wedding photographer in New York City

The future looks bright.

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Francisco Alvarez Francisco Alvarez

The Best Thing After A Destination Wedding in Puerto Rico Is A Surprise Marriage Proposal

After shooting destination weddings in Puerto Rico, my 2nd favorite thing to do is capture a surprise marriage proposal. Here’s how and why I do it!

Angelica said YES to Ivan! 💍

I’ve always believed that everything has an origin.

     Love has a mysterious way of creeping up on us when we least expect it. More importantly, it has the power to be cemented in perpetuity with one proposing the everlasting kind to another, seemingly out of the blue. This is why I am (and forever will be) a sucker for a great surprise wedding proposal. I’ve shot quite a few in the last couple of months and, after a wedding, it’s my favorite event to photograph for a few reasons I’d like to share. 

First and foremost, as a surprise wedding proposal photographer in Puerto Rico, I receive that initial, important phone call from a groom-to-be letting me know that they’re interested in getting down on one knee. This is an exciting moment for me because the first thing that pops into my head is that magical moment in which I forecast a resounding yes in my head; I can actually see the moment happening while manifesting it. Admittedly it gives me butterflies knowing I’ll have a front row seat to a couple’s forever.

That’s when the magic begins to happen.

For the most part, this is when the planning commences. A groom will usually already have a location in mind, one with which I’m very familiar for his surprise marriage proposal; if he has yet to land on a venue he likes, I’ll gladly suggest one that’s rich in scenery and mildly frequented. He, himself, has already chosen his ring and is comfortable with the idea of kneeling in front of his lady. What ensues is the logistics that will encompass that special day ahead. Location, timing and queues are all crucial in a successful outcome for me as a wedding photographer in Puerto Rico.

Dayana said YES to Ryan! 💍

Once the location is agreed upon, I take it upon myself to recall what the best spots for the action to happen are or scout the place a few days ahead to gauge a possible site. After this has been done, a day and time must be chosen in order for a Puerto Rico wedding photographer like myself to arrive about an hour early and decide my vantage point. This is paramount when it comes to surprise marriage proposals because of the fact that I must know everything from lighting conditions and sunset times to foot traffic and angles.

Then I wait patiently for the moment to arrive.

The last thing the groom and I must agree on is the queue: that ever-so-subtle signal that the moment of truth is around the corner. In the past, this has been done by a quick wink in my direction, a few rubs of their beard and even a fixing of the trousers! There are no limits to how I’m notified and it’s my job to be ready at all times. Sometimes the nerves get the best of the groom and I need to have that quick trigger finger on my camera to make sure I don’t miss it. Although this may very well be the most stressful situation a lover may encounter before their wedding in Puerto Rico, by no means is it easy on me. Fortunately, I’ve always stood my ground, kept a good, safe distance from the couple and snapped away some of the most precious moments of my career.

Tay said YES to Tife! 💍

Weddings to me will always ride shotgun when it comes to my photography; there’s no doubt about that. They are the pinnacle of love and hold a place near and dear to my heart. Surprise marriage proposals, however, although much shorter are just as sweet and heighten the passion for what I do. If you’re considering Puerto Rico as your surprise marriage proposal destination, please don’t hesitate to reach out and see if we’re a good match. Let’s make this happen…together!

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